Sarah's tab

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Quotes about Writer

Hello guys, long time no see!
Haha udah lama kayaknya gue bikin postingan baru di blog ini. Kenapa Sar emangnya? Well, kemaren-kemaren gue agak banyak kerjaan dan lagi ngga ada ide mau nulis apa di sini. Weekend kemaren gue sibuk menyelesaikan cerpen gue yang rencananya sih mau gue kirim ke salah satu lomba menulis cerpen. Tapi masih belum tau nih jadi apa ngga hehe masih bingung soalnya ceritanya jadi biasa aja. Nah karena akhi-akhir ini gue lagi suka banget nulis (dari dulu kali Sar), iseng-iseng gue pinjem buku dari perpustakaan yang judulnya "POKOKNYA MENULIS". Setlah gue baca, bukunya bagus deh. Banyak diselingi dengan quotes-quotes dari beberapa tokoh yang sangat bermakna dan membuat gue bersemangat lagi menulis. Berikut ini beberapa quotes yang gue ambil dari buku tersebut. Enjoy it!

"The man who does not read books has no an advantage over the man who cannot read" -Mark Twain-

"Anybody can make history, only a great man can write it" -Oscar Wilde-

"If you wish to be a writer, write." -Epicretus-

"The career of writer is comparable to that of a woman of easy virtue. You write first for pleasure, later for pleasure of others, and finally for money." -Marcel Achard-

"Writing is not apart from living. Writing is a kind of double living." -Catharine Drinker Bowen-

"Success is a public affair. Failure is private funeral." -Rosalind Russel-

"Opinion is ultimately determined by the feelings, and not by the intellect." -Herbert Spencer-

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Thanks for the lovely comments. I really appreciate all your comments and i will try to reply as soon as possible on your blog, dear :)